What does “Estimated Changes” mean?
“Estimated Changes” will display how many calendar events, contacts and tasks will be synchronized during the next synchronization. The “Sources are out-of-date” status will appear if you have not synchronized your calendar events, contacts and tasks for a while.
There are a few simple things to check to make sure all items are synchronized:
1. Run sync manually once again and check if items are correctly synchronized now;
2. If possible, wait for 24 hours and try to do synchronization, check if the pending items are synchronized;
3. If you can identify item(s) that are not synchronized yet - try to re-create those items by deleting old ones and creating the same items again. Run the sync process once more and check if the issue is corrected;
4. Try the following steps:
a. Go to “What to Sync” menu of SyncGene;
b. Disable the data type that has items which are failing to synchronize;
c. Press “Save”;
d. Enable the data type that you disabled on step “b”;
e. Press “Save” again;
f. Start synchronization and check if the issue is resolved.
If you tried every solution but still have problems - contact our support here."