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Avis le plus utile
SyncGene is a fantastic platform. I was looking for a program to sync my Google Contacts with Outlook and SyncGene worked seamlessly.
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Very useful product. Great solution to sync Office 365 Contacts and Calendars to Google Contacts and Calendars.
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Very helpful keeping my mac, hotmail, and google all sync'd up.
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While I wasn't looking for a paid solution I couldn't find anything that was as easy and simple to use and WORKS as SyncGene. So I paid because it was worth it. I spent way too many hours trying to get syncing back and forth between two calendars to work and SyncGene works much faster :)
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I just bought syncgene, I think this is excellent product.
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I am a mac/outlook user and this is the ONLY tool that I have found to sync my icloud contact to outlook. great job!
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Works very well for me on Hotmail/Outlook and iCloud and Gmail
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Love the Product!
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Seems to work really well so far. Much needed resource.
Avis le plus utile
I am able to view my exchange calendar on my Gmail now. Updates very quickly with auto-sync. Very reliable.